Renewing of your mind

Renewing of your mind picture

The world we are currently living in is constantly changing. As Christians we are meant to walk in the opposite direction. We are not meant to walk in the same direction as humanity. We are meant to stand out and be different. We are not meant to follow this world. We find it difficult but this is why we need to renew our minds on a regular basis. 

By renewing I mean to replace it with what the Word of God says.

Why do you need to renew your mind?

God's will for all mankind is to be saved but not only that - His will for you is to be free and to know what is good, acceptable and perfect (Rom. 12:2). We can also face trials and tribulations in a confident way, knowing that the Word is full of His promises.

How do you renew your mind?

Well renewing your mind requires faith. You need to act on faith. Reading the Word, praying and meditating on it on a daily basis  (Isaiah 55 & Ps. 1:2&3)

This will allow you to stand firm on all the promises that God has for you. It sets a positive mindset in motion. You become more Christ like. By renewing your mind you align it with God's word (Prov.23:7)

Here are some tips to renew your mind;

1) Recognise: When a thought pops into your mind you need to ask yourself if its good and pure. If not, pray and ask God to rebuke that though. 

2) Replace: Whenever a thought is negative and does not align with Gods Word. Replace it with Gods promises. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in a way that brings your mind to peace

3) Reinforce: Whenever you feel overwhelmed by negative thoughts - turn to the Word. You can even praise it away while listening to your favourite praise and worship song.

4) Visualise: God created you with an incredible imagination to see, sense, feel and create new realities in your mind before they ever come into the physical realm. It’s one of the primary ways we co-labor with the Holy Spirit to release His Kingdom in and through our lives. As you are replacing and reinforcing new thoughts based on God’s Word, imagine in your mind’s eye what it would look like, feel like to experience life within this new reality. This further stimulates your brain and accelerates your own ability to come into agreement with God’s best for your life.

5) Affirm: Create statements based on God's Word. Place them somewhere where you can see it on a daily basis to remind yourself that the enemy has no hold on you

I know that by applying the above that you would be ready whenever the enemy comes to try his luck. 





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