The Peace of God

The Peace of God picture

I thought long and hard about a topic for my next blog. Then out of the blue one day it hit me...why don't I write about Gods' peace. I knew right then and there that I could relate to this topic. There are so many people out there - especially Christians who long for God’s peace in times of uncertainty.

I decided to break it down into a before, during and after. 

Before: Like any storm in our lives we don't always know what will come our way but one thing that we do know is that God is always present. He has promised that He'll always be with us (Mat 28:20)

During: This is the most difficult part of life. It's the time where most of us want to give up but we know that we cannot just wave our white flag for all to see. We should keep in mind that each trial and tribulation that we face is a chance to build our faith. Faith is trusting God through the change. I know that when we try and carry all our worries by ourselves it never works and it gets heavier as we go so that is why we need to give it all to God. We can lay every little thing that is weighing us down at His feet. 

We need to surrender to His will. I know that sometimes praying and surrendering to His will might seem difficult at first but once we do that, once you give everything to Him you will feel lighter.

Picture this; You have this bag in your hand and every little trial you face you put in this bag. One by one you pick it up and put it in your bag until one day that bag is so heavy that you cannot even pick it up or carry it anymore. You get to a point where you just drag this bag along until one day that bag just bursts. Now when I say burst I mean you as a person having a mental breakdown. You cannot see any way out and you just cry your heart out. 

When you get to that point it's okay to feel sad and every emotion that goes along with it. Allow yourself to have that pity party but it's not okay to stay that way. You need to pick yourself up and ask God to help you. This is where you need to surrender to His will. Ask God to take it all - every little thing

After: Once you have handed your baggage to God. Once you have surrendered all that you have according to His will... then and only then will you get to fully experience His peace. It's peace not of this world (Phil 4:6). Whatever comes your way after that you know that you can trust God even more. The storms in our lives are meant to shape us but never to break us. 

I encourage you to learn from your storms. One day you can help someone along the way and to encourage them to let go and let God


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